New Lazy Way Anyone Can Use To Make Money Online Staying Idle In This Agbado Regime

Discover How I Turn My Daily Boredom To Money Printing Machine Selling Physical Products To Making Over N1M Monthly In Nigeria & How You Can Do It

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Date: 4th January, 2024.

From The Desk Of:

Mr, Ogbonna Ohakwe

Lagos, Nigeria.

From Okadas to Online: My Lagos Hustle Built an Empire (And Yours Can Too!)

I remembered the sun beating down the shegge on my back while weaving through Lagos traffic? The okada sputtering like a fast moving train, the horns blaring, and the hustle just to make ends meet? Yeah, I get it. I used to live it every single day. But let me tell you, a different Lagos is waiting for you, one in which there are no foreheads, just sandy sandy areas, and the only sounds you can hear are the murmuring of those struggling to make ends meet.

My name's Ohakwe. Just a few years ago, my life was a symphony of "no": no savings, no security, no escape from the daily grind.

I was lost in the crowd, hustling on dusty streets, chasing small change just to put food on the table. It felt like a treadmill race — no finish line, just the same tired beat of doubt. I saw it in everyone's eyes — that silent hope for something more, a way out of the daily grind.

My story isn't a fairy tale; it's a raw, sweat-stained testament to the transformative power of e-commerce. And now, I want to share this kingdom secret, my Ecom Accelerator Program, with you. This isn't just a course; it's a ladder straight out of Lagos's trenches and into the sunlit plains of online wealth.

Think about it. You could be the next. No, scratch that; you could be better. You could be the one who masters the art of local arbitrage and turns Lagos's hustle into online empires.

Imagine waking up without that gnawing fear of the next rent, replacing it with the delicious thrill of checking your email daily, overflowing with profits. Imagine trading sun-baked streets for air-conditioned freedom; your laptop is your sceptre; your wifi is your loyal court.

The Ecom Accelerator Program isn't just about making money, it's about reclaiming your life, your dreams, and your destiny. It's about proving that no matter how dusty your path, you can forge your own golden road.

And there was a way out. A whole new world opened up, and I dove in like a kid into a bowl of egusi soup.

First, it was a small step. My phone is my office, and a corner of my room is my "warehouse." I scoured markets, digging up treasures: colorful fabrics, intricate beadwork, and carved wooden masks. Each held a story of Lagos, of Nigeria—a story I could share with the world.

Days flew by, weeks like months. Orders trickled in, then flowed, then gushed. My laptop became a portal, and my customers scattered across different cities in nigeria. 

It wasn't all about money, though. Sure, the freedom was sweet, ditching the okada for a fancy cab ride. But it was deeper than that. It was about seeing my city and my culture shine on a global stage. It was about connecting with people across borders and building bridges with beads instead of walls.

This wasn't just a Lagos hustle anymore; it was an empire. Not built with glass and steel, but with the warmth of handmade crafts and the click of keyboard keys. An empire built by one guy, a phone, and the endless possibilities of the internet.

And guess what? You have those possibilities too. Don't let your doubts drown out your dreams. Don't let the hustle hold you down. You have a story to tell, a product to share, and a business to build.

That's where the Ecom Accelerator Program comes in. It's not just a course; it's a rocket ship to your own e-commerce empire. I've poured everything I learned—all the bumps and triumphs—into this program. It's the map I wish I had when I was lost in the Lagos maze.

Here's a tip for what you get:

  • The Ecom Recipe: My step-by-step guide to finding hot-selling products, buying them locally, and building your online store from scratch. No fancy degree is needed, just an internet connection and a mind to start making money.

  • Marketing Magic: Learn the secrets of attracting customers to your product and making them to beg you to come and collect their money, turning lookers into buyers, and making your social media work like juju (but the good kind!).

  • Logistics Lowdown: From shipping secrets to inventory hacks, I'll make sure your business runs smoother than Fela Kuti's grooves. No more headaches, just smooth sailing.

  • The Support Squad: You're not alone in this e-commerce jungle. We've got a tribe of experienced accelerators by your side, cheering you on and sharing their wisdom. No man is an island, but this community is an archipelago of success.

  • Ogbonna's personal mentorship: Get access to the man himself, your e-commerce guru, ready to answer your questions and guide you on your journey.

Imagine this:

  • A year from now, you'll be sipping coconut water on a Zanzibar beach, watching the sunset paint the sky in the colors of your hand-woven fabric.
  • Your phone buzzes with another order, and you grin, remembering the dusty corner of your Lagos room where it all began.
  • You built an empire, not with bricks and mortar, but with passion, creativity, and the click of a mouse.

This isn't just a program, it's a revolution. It's a chance to rewrite your story, to trade hustle for freedom, to escape the dust and claim your throne in the online empire. The only question is, are you ready?

P.S. Don't believe me? Check out what you are getting from the Ecom Accelerator.

What you don't even need to get started as a newbie...

  • To get started, you don't need to be an expert or a guru on the internet or computer.
  • You don't need to have millions of naira to start
  • You don't need a physical shop or office to start.
  • You don't need to have a visa.
  • You don't need to have a licence to before you start. 

What you need to get started as a beginner!

  • You will need a working phone number. This is also necessary to confirm customer orders and manage the business effectively.
  • An email address is required to get notified of new orders
  • You need landing page, which I will show you how to get one
  • Start-up capital (depending on how much money you're willing to invest, it can be as low as N30,000).
  • You should be able to know how to navigate and browse through the internet and fill out forms correctly. If you're reading this, you already know how to surf the internet.

Special offer! Get started now to get 50% discount !

Sit up and pay attention to this part

I've held my tongue long enough... This course includes all these modules.


Module 1: Ecom Accelerator Program & Expert secrets

In this module, you are going to discover the most hidden secret of what is mini importation is all about, how to spot fake suppliers, platforms etc.


Module 2: Ecom Funnels

In this module, you are going to learn more about ecom funnels and the nitty-gritty of how to set up your e-commerce business.


Module 3: Product Research

In this module, I will show you how to properly find hot-selling products that will make you over 500k to N1m a month.

This is unlike what you have seen before.


Module 4: Ecom funnel setups

This is the first step to creating our e-commerce product funnels.

In this module, you'll discover hidden secrets of e-commerce product setups and how to start creating your ecom product sales page.


Module 5: ecom product page design

This is the sweetest part.

In this module, you will learn as a total beginner how to create and design a very high-converting ecom product sales page.

I even gave out my own already made sales page design template that you can import, edit and use for your products.


Module 6: order & offer dump

Let me shock you.

Many people don't know about this secret yet, and that is why I have included it in this module.

The secret in this module, will 10X the sales of your product, and this.

This module will expose you to a secret method I have used to rake over 100 successful orders in a week.


Module 7: facebook ads for ecom

In this special module, you will learn how to set up a high-converting facebook ads for your ecom business.


And, if you have been following me, you'll know that facebook ads is one thing I don't joke about.

I did justice with facebook ads in this module.

You are going to learn how to run a profitable ecommerce facebook ads that will make people beg you to collect their money.


Module 8: google ads for ecom

Most people out there don't know this secret!

In this module, you will discover hidden secrets I have used to get over 1k (one thousand) orders in just 3 days using google ads for my ecom products.

In this module, I included my top three Google Ads frameworks you can apply right now to boost and scale your e-commerce business as a beginner.


Module 9: ecom distribution channels

This is by far the most easy-to-follow guide to your ecommerce success.

In this module, I have created a framework that has worked for me over the years and how it can work for you today.

You will discover the hidden secret to e-commerce distribution channels like a pro.

You will learn how to deliver your products to your customers without having any issues and how to find delivery agents.

In fact, I added my delivery agent list you can start working with.


Module 10: scaling your ecom business

In this module, you will discover a hidden secret I use daily to scale my ecom business.

Is a simple, easy, step by step guide that takes newbies to pro in a matter of two weeks with no complications.


Promise to keep this a secret...

Bonus 1

You Will Be Getting My Very Own Sales Scripts, WhatsApp Sales Dialogue, Sales Templates To Sell Your Product - N102,000


How To Sell Like A Pro. With This Guide, You Are On Your Way To Master The Art Of Selling Online Like A Pro, The Complete Guide Selling Online - N50,000


You will get access to my ecom product sales page that have done over 10m in total product sales -



The Most Hot Selling Products Cheatsheet, You Will Get The Most 100X Hottest High In Demand Products To Start Importing & Make 200X Back

- N150,000


1Trusted 100X Reliable Suppliers & Direct Manufactures To Buy From, A Full List Of Direct Manufactures In Different Countries To Buy From - N70,000

One more thing, and it's important! About me

My name is Ogbonna Ohakwe. I'm an Internet Business Consultant and Founder: Bigtink Digital Creations (r), and today many people know me because I talk, develop and teach the most real and life-changing business opportunities.

I have personally created several millionaires who are now making over N5 million monthly in various online business.

Get started now

Includes everything and going for

N30,000 - $60

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Access to Two Private Telegram Groups
  • 30 minute private coaching call

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regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 7 Days

"If you are not satisfied, your money will be refunded back to you in 7 days"

Remember an opportunity missed because of fear won't come back again! So, act now to get started 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do this business with anywhere?

Yes, you can do this business anywhere as long as you have access to an internet connection.

Do I have access to this course for a lifetime?

Yes, you will have access to this course for a lifetime.

Do I have direct access to support group?

Why not, once you place your order and it went through successfully, you are sent the support details immediately to the telegram support group.

Do I have to pay for any other fee?

There is no additional charge after your purchase or in the future.

Do I need to have a registered business first?

You don't even need to have a registered business name to able to start your mini ecommerce business.

How much do I need to start with?

Now, depending on your budget, you can start with as little as N30k and increase your budget over time. Some people start with N1 million; others starts with just N50k

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