A 99.9% Done For Your Email Marketing System With AmazonSES Daily 50,000+ Quota With MailWizz System

Tired of Outrageous Email Marketing Bills? Get Unlimited Sending and Better Results with Our Amazon SES + MailWizz Setup

Ditch expensive email platforms and gain the power of Amazon's infrastructure for a fraction of the price. We handle the entire setup for you.

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From the Desk of

Mr. Ogbonna Ohakwe

Abuja, Nigeria

You the online business owner, you digital marketer and a creator. Do words like "outrageous," "sky-high," and "ridiculous" describe your monthly email marketing bill? Are you constantly checking how many emails you've sent, worried about hitting a limit and getting slapped with extra fees? It doesn't have to be this way.

I get it. As a business owner, every dollar counts. You need to reach your customers, nurture leads, and grow your business, but the costs of traditional email platforms can be crippling. Imagine if you could send unlimited emails without breaking the bank... and put those savings back into growing your business.

There's a better way. With our Amazon SES + MailWizz setup service, you can ditch those hefty monthly subscriptions and enjoy the power and affordability of Amazon's email infrastructure.

Your Solution to Sky-High Email Costs

Our Amazon SES + MailWizz integration unlocks the key to affordable and unlimited email marketing. Here's what you get:

  • Send as many emails as you need: Nurture leads, build relationships, and promote offers without restriction.
  • Pay only for what you use: Amazon SES has incredibly low sending rates, keeping your costs minimal.
  • Own your email infrastructure: No more being at the mercy of pricing changes from traditional platforms.

Imagine what that freedom feels like... Now, let's make it a reality.

Here's exactly what our Done-For-You service includes:

  • Amazon SES Setup and Configuration: We'll handle all the necessary setup within your AWS account, optimizing settings for maximum deliverability.
  • MailWizz Installation and Setup: We'll install the MailWizz software on your server and configure it for seamless operation.
  • Domain Authentication & DNS Records: We'll ensure your domain is authenticated with Amazon SES and set up all necessary DNS records to protect your email reputation.
  • Custom Template Design (Optional): If desired, we can create eye-catching, on-brand email templates that are optimized for conversions.
  • List Import and Segmentation: We'll help you smoothly import your existing email lists and set up segmentation rules for targeted campaigns.
  • Ongoing Support (Optional): For ongoing peace of mind, we offer support packages to assist with troubleshooting and maintenance.

The Benefits You'll Experience

Beyond just saving money, our Amazon SES + MailWizz setup empowers you to:

  • Maximize Your Marketing Budget: Reinvest the money you save on email into other growth initiatives, amplifying your marketing reach.
  • Scale with Confidence: Never worry about hitting sending limits as your business grows. Your email system effortlessly handles increased volume.
  • Improve Email Deliverability: Our expert configuration helps ensure your emails land in inboxes, improving engagement and results
  • Gain Peace of Mind: Our done-for-you approach frees you from technical headaches, letting you focus on your core business.
  • Competitive Advantage: Lower email costs give you an edge over competitors, allowing you to invest more in your growth strategies.

The Results You Deserve

Imagine what it would feel like to:

  • Reclaim your marketing budget: Stop pouring money into overpriced email platforms. Invest those savings back into reaching more customers and fueling your growth.
  • Scale your campaigns without fear: Send as many emails as you need to nurture new leads, convert prospects, and build strong customer relationships.
  • Strengthen your email game: Our expert setup helps ensure your emails actually reach your subscribers, boosting open rates and driving better results.
  • Leave the technical stuff to us: Stop agonizing over configuration and troubleshooting. Focus on creating amazing content, while we make sure it gets delivered.
  • Outsmart your competitors: Slash your email costs, giving you the edge to invest more in your business and outpace those still stuck with expensive subscriptions.

This isn't just about email setup; it's about unlocking your business potential.


 understand. As a busy entrepreneur, every dollar counts. You need a reliable way to connect with your audience, nurture leads, and drive sales. But the sky-high costs of traditional email marketing platforms can put a stranglehold on your budget and leave you constantly checking your sending limits.

What if you could send unlimited emails without breaking the bank? Imagine the possibilities: reaching every subscriber with impactful campaigns, fostering stronger relationships, and finally crushing your marketing goals.

This is where our Amazon SES + MailWizz Done-For-You service comes in. We'll empower you to escape the shackles of expensive email platforms and unlock the power of Amazon's infrastructure for a fraction of the price.

The Benefits You Crave (More Than Just Saving Money):

  • Marketing Budget Liberation: Stop being held hostage by inflated email platform fees. Reclaim your budget and reinvest those savings into strategies that directly fuel growth – like targeted advertising, content creation, or even a killer webinar series.
  • Scaling Success, On Your Terms: Never again worry about hitting sending limits or scrambling to upgrade your plan just as your campaign takes off. Our Amazon SES + MailWizz setup seamlessly scales with your business, allowing you to send as many emails as you need, whenever you need them.
  • Inbox Domination (Without the Shady Tactics): Tired of seeing your emails languish in spam folders? Our expert configuration and industry best practices help ensure your messages land in the inboxes that matter, boosting engagement and driving conversions.
  • Focus on What Matters Most (Leave the Tech to Us): Don't waste precious time wrestling with complex technical setup or troubleshooting email deliverability issues. Our team of email ninjas handles everything, freeing you up to focus on crafting compelling content and building meaningful relationships with your audience.
  • Leave Your Competition in the Dust: By ditching expensive email platforms, you gain a significant cost advantage over competitors. Reinvest those savings into your business and watch your marketing efforts outpace those still stuck in the traditional email marketing rut.

Beyond the Benefits: What Sets Us Apart?

  • Proven Expertise: We don't just dabble in email marketing. We're seasoned pros with a deep understanding of Amazon SES, MailWizz, and the ever-evolving email landscape.
  • Tailored Approach: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. We'll take the time to understand your unique business needs and goals, then customize your Amazon SES + MailWizz setup for optimal performance.
  • Seamless Migration: Concerned about disrupting your current email operations? Our smooth migration process minimizes downtime and ensures your email marketing efforts keep humming along without a hitch.
  • Ongoing Support: We understand that your needs may evolve. That's why we offer flexible support options to answer your questions, troubleshoot any issues, and ensure your email marketing engine keeps on firing on all cylinders.

What You Get with Our Done-For-You Service:

  • Expert Amazon SES Setup: We'll handle the entire Amazon SES setup within your AWS account, optimizing settings for maximum deliverability and peak performance.
  • Seamless MailWizz Installation & Configuration: We'll expertly install MailWizz on your server and configure it to work seamlessly with Amazon SES, ensuring smooth email sending and optimal functionality.
  • Domain Authentication & DNS Record Management: We'll take care of all the necessary domain authentication steps with Amazon SES and configure your DNS records, protecting your email reputation and preventing blacklisting.
  • Customizable Email Templates (Optional): Elevate your email marketing with stunning, on-brand email templates designed to resonate with your audience and drive action. (Number of templates offered can be specified here)
  • List Importation and Segmentation Assistance: We'll help you import your existing email lists smoothly and establish effective segmentation rules for targeted email campaigns.
  • Comprehensive Support Packages (Optional): Gain peace of mind with access to our expert support team whenever you need it. Choose from a range of support packages to meet your specific needs. (Outline different support options here)

Ready to Take Control of Your Email Marketing Future?

Once you've secured your spot and provided the necessary information, our team takes the reins. We follow our proven process to meticulously execute your Amazon SES and MailWizz setup. We'll keep you updated on our progress with regular check-ins, ensuring you feel confident and informed.

Here's a breakdown of what we'll be working on:

  1. In-Depth Kickoff Call (If Needed): Some clients may require a more detailed discussion of their business goals and specific email marketing needs. If so, we'll schedule a call to align our approach perfectly.
  2. Technical Implementation: This is where our expertise shines. We'll dive into your AWS account, configure Amazon SES, install MailWizz, and optimize all settings to ensure your system is ready to roll.
  3. Domain Authentication and DNS: We'll handle all the technical steps to authenticate your domain and manage your DNS records flawlessly. Protecting your sender reputation is our priority.
  4. System Testing: Before handover, we'll rigorously test all features of your new setup to ensure everything functions seamlessly and that sending limits are lifted.
  5. Walkthrough and Handover: Once your setup is complete, we'll guide you through your new system, answer any questions, and empower you to fully utilize its features.
  6. Ongoing Support (If Selected): If you've chosen one of our support packages, you'll gain access to our team for troubleshooting, maintenance, and advice tailored to your email marketing journey.

Important: Throughout this stage, we may need some additional input from you, such as providing login credentials or verifying certain information. Your responsiveness will ensure a smooth and timely setup process.

Are you ready for unlimited email power and the stress-free experience our Done-For-You service offers?

Invest in Email Freedom & Results

We believe powerful email marketing should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer a streamlined pricing structure with flexible add-ons to tailor the setup to your needs.

Core Package:

  • Amazon SES + MailWizz Done-For-You Setup: [$Your Price Here]
    • Expert Amazon SES configuration within your AWS account
    • Seamless MailWizz installation and setup
    • Domain authentication and DNS record management
    • System testing and verification
    • Walk-through session and handover

Elevate Your Email Game (Optional Add-Ons):

  • Custom Email Template Design: [$Price Per Template or Package]
    • Professionally designed templates that reflect your brand and drive conversions (Specify # of templates included if a package deal)
  • Ongoing Support Packages: Starting at [$Price for Starter Package]
    • Choose the level of support that best fits your needs:
      • Starter: Email support, troubleshooting, basic consultations
      • Premium: [Expanded benefits like monthly strategy calls, priority support, etc.]

Limited Availability Introductory Discount

For a limited time, we're offering [Insert % off] your Done-For-You setup for new clients. Secure your spot and claim your savings!


  • Be confident with your pricing. Reflect the value you offer!
  • Add clear descriptions of what's included in each support package.
  • You can adjust the introductory discount to what feels motivating.